Airparamo: Paramotor or Powered Paraglider (PPG) Instruction, Sales, and Service for Arizona.

Instruction Information

Discovery Flights
Solo Flight Course
Session Instruction
Instructor Training
Flying Sites
Shop Online

Safety Notice
We will not sell essential paramotor flight equipment (i.e. wings or motor units) to anyone until we have verified that they are current paramotor pilots or have arranged for instruction with a recognized instructor.

Jim Solo
Jim Solo
Located near Phoenix, Arizona, Airparamo offers paramotor instruction all year round (except holidays). Our professional instructor is certified through ASC (Aero Sports Connection) association and USPPA, and our school has years of experience and state-of-the-art equipment for your pleasant and safe instruction and learning.

Instruction Options
Airparamo offers different instruction programs for new pilots who want to learn this exciting form of personal flight. These instruction programs are divided into the following consecutive courses:
  • Discovery Flights
  • Solo Flight Course
  • Session Instruction
  • Instructor Training

    I've been an Airline Transport Pilot and have over 7000 hours flight time. But nothing I've tried compares to the freedom I get flying paramotor. What a rush!!! Thanks a bunch for all the hard work and fun. You made mastering the paramotor a pleasure. I feel like I have a great foundation to build on. I had a great time while I was out there in Phoenix and we crammed a lot of work into 5 days. I wish I could have stayed longer to play, but some of us have to work for a living. Thanks again for everything.
    Ross K.
    Apex, North Carolina

    View All Testimonials
    Flying and Instruction Sites
    Airparamo conducts its instruction from huge, grassy, open fields at a number of flying sites around the Phoenix area.

    How to Enroll
    To enroll in any of the instruction courses, please contact us. We require all students to sign a release of liability waiver prior to starting instruction.

    What to Wear and Bring
    Long pants (even in summer), shoes or hiking boots with ankle protection, sun block, and one gallon of drinking water, work gloves, sunglasses, and a camera if you like. Spectators, photographers, friends and family are always welcome.

    Occasionally the weather will not cooperate and we must cancel or postpone a class. If this happens, we will issue a "wind check" to come back and finish the class another day. No refunds can be issued after the class starts.
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    2002-2017 Airparamo