
Risk & Reward
by Philip Russman, Lite Touch Films
Running time: 70 minutes
After 3 years of research and gathering video from around the world, this is must see for all PPG pilots, beginner and advanced. Introduced by William Shatner, this DVD covers a wealth of information packed into 70 action packed minutes of exceptional video, narration and music. Risk and Reward covers fundamentals that are certain save wear and tear on your equipment, your body, and your wallet, including the 4 most common causes of injury and more importantly how to avoid them.
View the trailers. Quicktime required.
Trailer BIG - 9.2M (for fast connection)
Wind Gradient Example - 1.3M (for fast connection)

Master PPG Series |
by Jeff Goin, Airhead Creations
Powered paragliding has more to offer an inspired pilot than possibly any other type of flying, and in so many ways. This series will help you unlock some of the techniques that will lead you towards excellence. It is intended for pilots who have already learned the basics, and are competent beginner level flyers.
Video is never any substitute for high quality instruction and especially practice. Nor can any video instill a skill. The purpose is not to replace personal instruction but rather augment it. This series will show you the tools, how they can be used, and how to practice them, and what's possible.
These are not "show-off" videos. Techniques are broken down with close-ups, graphics, animation, narrated explanations and slow motion to first show exactly what to do, how much to do it, what timing is involved and how to react. Then timing is further dissected as we reveal the techniques in action.
On sale at $30 each or all three for special Combo price of $100, a $20 bundle savings.
Video 1: Advanced Ground Handling
Running time: 101 minutes
Delve into the foundation of successful launching-ground handling. Learn many finer points of inflation, kiting in light winds, kiting in strong winds, using different techniques, different wings, harness varieties, what to practice, where to practice and more. From climbing up walls to finessing a reverse out of light wind, we'll show specifics, breaking down the actions in easily understood segments. Animation and graphics make the concepts crystal clear. It covers a lot -- have your pause button ready.

Video 2: Advanced Launching
Running time: 92 minutes
Lets face it, launching a paramotor, especially on foot, is difficult. Even if you succeed nearly every time, it's still a challenging task. Experienced pilots may make it look easy but the reality is that every launch is challenging. There are lots of finer points that can help with success.
Among the many topics covered are: launching in crosswinds, launching in strong winds, launching with low attachments, high attachments, on roads, in confined areas, launching into foot drags, recovering from crooked inflations and much more. Then there's a thorough treatment of launching with wheels. From recovering wing gyrations to reverse launching. Learn to taxi/takeoff in a crosswind or to taxi in a 360. This is, after all, advanced techniques.

Video 3: Inflight Precision
Running time: 115 minutes
This is the most important video in the series because it covers the foundations of all precision flying. It is also the most fun, incorporating a few minutes of gorgeous, fun flying between some sections in a fast-paced style to the beat of great music. Flying scenes from all over the world are included that celebrate the incredible freedom that precise flight gives us.
There's more than meets the eye for super accurate control of flight path. Height, speed, rolling out of steep turns precisely while managing energy start out the expose. Then following a set ground track, foot dragging, handling turbulence, and competition are covered in detail along with many others.
3-D animation and other graphics combine with frequently beautiful flying scenes to crystallize understanding of certain core principles. Even for non-competitors there is a lot to learn from the competition section which includes how to fly a world record cloverleaf, with animation that clearly shows how its done -- from power management to ground track and speed control. We'll show how world champion Mathieu Roanet pulls off his amazing times and fly with U.S. Champion Eric Dufour and English Champion Michel Carnet, watching from the pilot's perspective as animation details what they're doing. We explain the important concepts and show how to put them to work.

Video 4: Precision Landings
Running time: 76 minutes
There's nothing like a perfect swoop landing to top off a flight. We'll describe the science behind it through animation then show various techniques in practice. We'll cover how to land in no wind, stronger wind, confined areas, how to land and stop, land over obstacles, do slider landings and much more. Animation plays a big part here since it so clearly shows important elements of flight path control. Plus we'll cover the extreme risks of spot landings and how to reduce them.

Meet Powered Paragliding |
by Jeff Goin, Airhead Creations
Running time: 62 minutes
An amusing romp with the sports' most Passionate People... A fast paced and frequently humorous look at the sport. As it says on the back: "Powered Paragliding is aviation's most portable and affordable way into the air. It is celebrated in mass every April near Lakeland, Florida as pilots come from all over the country to fly, see the latest gear, gather with friends and revel in their incredible freedom.
Join many of the sports' most prominent participants as they experience flight in a most peculiar fashion. This tightly-packed and frequently humorous account of powered paragliding puts together much fun and frolic as seen through the 2005 PPG Convention and Competition.
Meet the competitors and find out exactly what they do including explanations of how they do it. Experience the thrill of victory and the fun of just trying. See what the sport has to offer and experience the country's largest gathering of pilots and vendors."

Gourmet PPG |
by Philip Russman, Lite Touch Films
Running time: 57 minutes
Five pilots explore the rugged coast of Mexico, south of Puerto Vallarta, 200 miles of endless beaches, little fishing villages, and exotic resorts, all by powered paraglider. With a year of planning, this adventure is captured with absolutely stunning in air footage that will make you want to fly.
View the trailers. Quicktime required.
Trailer BIG - 5.4M (for fast connection)

AZ Flying Circus 2008 |
by Adam Bell, Aerosmack
Running time: 40 minutes
The Arizona Flying Circus is one of the most unique and entertaining powered paragliding events in the country. Held every February since 2004, it's the only event of its kind to be held at a resort. Imagine strolling from your hotel room, through the grass to the flight line and into the sky. The 2008 Flying Circus was an event to remember with incredible mild winter flying conditions each day. This DVD was shot in 1080p HD and contains over 40 minutes of video as well as a slide show. You will see the high energy acro and low level precision piloting and the fun to watch open flying sessions. Cringe as two skilled pilots fly a one of a kind trike and 11sm high performance wing for the first time. Study some perfect and not so perfect launches and landings and fly out to the mine and give chase to some other cross country pilots. Remember what it was like to taste flight for the first time as you watch two new pilots take to the air for the very first time via the MoTow. This DVD is a great way to remember the people and the flying that made the 2008 Flying Circus so much fun. If you attended this incredible powered paragliding event, then you need to get this DVD!
PS, There is also a fiery surprise inside as well as some great bonus paramotor footage for you enjoy!
When you purchase an Arizona Flying Circus DVD, proceeds will be donated to help put on next years event. So you are helping to promote, preserve and make next years event even better!
View the trailers. Quicktime required.
Trailer BIG

Parastars |
by Philip Russman, Lite Touch Films
Running time: 58 minutes
Parastars takes you on a tour of the biggest paramotor convention ever. Experience the freedom of taking off and landing on your feet in sunny Florida. Learn how fast, how far, how easy. Introduction to launching, competition demonstrations, overview of 7 spectacular flying sites, Guinness world record attempt, soaring without the motor, and much more!
View the trailers. Quicktime required.
Trailer BIG - 5.4M (for fast connection)
