The Powered Paragliding Bible 5 |
by Jeff Goin
Paperback; 320 pages; full color
In it's 5th revision, this book is the most thorough manual ever produced for our sport, offering a concise treatment of subject matter for anyone serious about flying. It will be appreciated by those just learning as well as those wanting to master the sport, to explore all it has to offer. Colorful photos and carefully designed diagrams on each page add to the wealth of well organized content.

Understanding the Sky |
by Dennis Pagen
ISBN: 0936310103; Paperback; B&W
The book takes a very complicated subject and boils it down to the bare
essentials necessary to have a working knowledge of weather. Quite a feat!
Of course it helps to have an interest in weather from a ultralight pilot's

Paramotoring From the Ground Up |
by Noel Whittall
ISBN: 1840371056; Paperback; 190 pages; full color
This comprehensive guide to Powered Paragliding is a must have for anyone
with an interest in the sport regardless of experience. Colorful glossy
photos also add to the informative and well organized content.

The Art of Paragliding |
by Dennis Pagen
ISBN 0-936310-09-X; 8 1/2 x 11 paperback; 342 pages/ B&W and color
Dennis Pagen is very well known in both Hang-Gliding, Ultralight and
Paragliding circles, having written and published books on all three
subjects, as well as on meteorology for pilots. Whether you are new to
paragliding or wish to take a refresher course to polish your skills, this
book is sure to provide a gold mine of information, including 248
illustrations and 86 photos.
