Little Pilot - 110K

Tandem Feet - 93K

Lotsa Power - 139K

Shining Through - 63K

Sideways Up - 16K

Hanging Out - 129K

Big Small - 81K

Balancing In the Wind - 67K

Push Pusher - 106K

Formation of Four - 36K

Lines Formation - 55K

Landing - 61K

Overview From Above - 113K

Mountain Sunset - 50K

Mountain Duet - 10K

Dodging Glowing Mountains - 17K

Flying the Colors - 74K

Relaxed Colors - 57K

Gathering - 101K

Sunrise Warm Up - 66K

Sun Fun Launch - 99K

Swarmed - 94K

Weathering In the Air - 64K

Tired and Happy - 178K

Smooth Sailing - 60K

Wish I Was Flying - 98K

Just Hanging Out - 92K

Dancing Around - 112K

Trike Inflation - 73K

Triking Around - 68K

Green Mo-chine - 81K

Tandem Look Up - 159K

Flying - 145K

The Beaches of San Carlos - 36K

Cruisin San Carlos - 28K

Las Lunas Cliffs - 138K

Smokin Foot Drag - 76K

Dusty Simulator - 84K

Kiting Fun - 69K