
Selecting a flight instructor, flight school, and flight company to learn to fly is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. Here is a list of good reasons to select Airparamo and Mo Sheldon for your paramotor flight needs:
- Commitment to Learning, Safety, and Fun. At Airparamo these are not just words, but core beliefs that drive our passion to share this incredible form of flight with others.
- A proven track record of exceptional instruction and support. Airparamo's professional paramotor instructor and owner, Mo Sheldon, is recognized as one of the most widely respected pilots and instructors in the world. Mo Sheldon has been fllying paramotors since 1998 and teaching since 2001. He has instructed many pilots achieve their dreams of flight in a fun, safe, and challenging learning enviroment. He is certified as an Advanced Flight Instructor (AFI) through Aero Sports Connection (ASC) association, the largest Ultralight association in the US, and a rated Paramotor Flight Instructor from USPPA. Mo Sheldon also is a certified USHPA Tow Equipment Operator (Tow Tech). Mo Sheldon has been voted as Paramotor Wing Director for ASC since 2002.
- Full-time operation. Mo Sheldon does this on a full-time basis, all year long, and can work around your schedule to suit your needs.
- An established location. Most paramotor operations are run out of a garage or the back of a truck. We have a 1800 square foot, world class facility, with a class area, kitchen, bathroom, repair area, storage area, outdoor grass area for wing inseption and folding, RV hookups, lots of gear in stock, and racks of spare parts.
- Located right next to a huge flying field at a private airport. This is a dream location to learn to fly. Our field at Ak-Chin Regional Airport is an established, huge, smooth wide open space, clear of power lines, fences, or other dangerous obstacles, and incredible opportunities for gorgeous, short cross country flights.
- Full tandem capabilities. We offer either foot-launched or trike-launched tandems for the lightest to the heaviest people. For prospective pilots or thouse that want to try something different, A Discovery Flight is an excellent way to get started with this amazing form of flight. Also, for new and even veteran pilots, tandems are an excellent tool to quickly and safely improve take-off, flight, and landing skills.
- Lots of gear in stock. We carry an extensive inventory of new and used gear. If you simply want to look and try on the different options out there, come on out.
- Spare Parts. We stock hundreds of spare parts to get you quick back in the air if a mishap occurs or your gear simply breaks.
- Full diagnostic and repair tools. If your motor unit hiccups or breaks, we have the tools in house and know-how to fix it right.
- The best instruction tools availabale. Here is a partial list of some of the tools Airparamo has available in it's instruction tool kit:
- An established instruction syllabus and manual. With years of experience we have designed, developed and improved our working flight manual, giving you a step by step break down of what we will cover during instruction.
- Simulator. An indispensible tool to help balance a motor unit in flight AND simulate a real flight scenario in the air.
- Remote Kill Switch. An inovate tool using very high end remote transmitter and reciever that can shut off a motor from a distance. This amazing tool has immensely helped minimize a new pilot breaking their gear.
- Trike Buddy. A great tool to help trike or quad pilots gain confidence and skill of taxi work, the most difficult and challenging skill for wheeled pilots.
- Top of the line communication equipment. We use Icom radios and the best communications helmets available for clear, trustworthy communications between instructor and student.
- Full towing capability. We have several towing options, including a 3000' stationary tow machine, quad towing using a 150' and 300' lines, and rope towing. Mo Sheldon is a certified tow operator and has many years of experience towing (with 1000's of tows) and teaching other tow operators.
- Transportation and storage. During instruction, we have an enclosed trailer to help you move your gear to the field and a steel storage container to keep your gear secure for short periods of time. We do offer inexpensive rent for long term stoage (more than a few weeks) of your gear.
- A class area. In our facitiy there is couches and chairs facing a large white board and DVD player to comfortably go over theory and questions, or to just hang out, relax, or catch a nap.
- And lastly, our friendly, four-legged support staff, the unforgettable Roza, is a most important reason unto itself (well, at least we think so).
So, let's get started!