Airparamo: Paramotor or Powered Paraglider (PPG) Instruction, Sales, and Service for Arizona.


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Arizona Flying Circus This Weekend

Well, it's been a year and we are doing it again! The 7th Anuual Arizona Flying Circus will be happening February 5-7, 2010 at MoTown! All aviation enthusiasts, family, and friends are welcome to attend and participate in this fun-filled, relaxing event. Bring your family, pets, friends, guns (there is a shooting range on site), and of course, anything that flies.

You are welcome to camp out on Friday and/or Saturday nights, no hookups but trailers, RVs, motor coches and tent camping are welcome and there's plenty of space for everyone. Food and drinks will be available during the event.

Motown is an incredible haven for flying. You can either fly in or drive in. We have a huge PPG launch area and 2 hard packed silky smooth dirt runways. The EW runway is 2700’ long and 65’ wide! The NS runway is over 2000' long and 40' wide. Surrounded by pristine desert mountains and incredible wildlife, this 80 acre haven is ideal for Ultralight, LSA, and GA flying. Located just 30 miles to the South East of Phoenix, this site can be difficult to find and drive to. But the rewards of finding and flying here far out weigh the adventure of getting there.

For more info please visit:

Mo Sheldon
Advanced Flight Instructor, ASC & USPPA Certified
Airparamo - Fly Like A Bird


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